We Deliver Joined Up Web Success Services
We want to architect your online success. It's our mission! We don't like to see businesses failing to make the web work for them. Sadly this is too often what we do see. Don't let this be the case for you. Pick up the phone and start talking to us today.
Who We Are
We're a growing web services business, doing everything our client's need in order to be seen online and gain new business via the web. As a business we've been doing this since 2005. Before this individual team members were helping businesses become more efficient and successful, for more than 25 years. It would be fair to say we have a lot of collective experience and in the process we have demonstrated our ability to adapt in a rapidly changing environment. This means we can help you adapt too.
To succeed online you need more than just a great looking web site because let's face it, a great looking site with no visitors is going to deliver zero business. This is why we're not web designers, we're solution architects and a web site is only part of a solution. We have helped start-up businesses to become visible online and in doing so they've generated valuable revenue. We've helped established businesses treble their online revenue within 12 months. We're pretty confident we can help you and all it takes is a phone call and you sharing some information with us. We'll then be able to tell you how we can specifically help you.
Our Web History
The following is a little fun with a serious edge. From our perspective there are some significant historical points worth reflecting on about how the Web has reached the point it has. We know we've missed a whole load out but we've also made sure the big events are listed.
World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners-Lee. Without Tim we wouldn't exist. Thanks Tim! It goes without saying that we didn't exist in 1989. As with anything new the Web as it was then wasn't a big hit and it wasn't openly available as it is today.
CERN make the World Wide Web technology available for anyone to use on a royalty-free basis. This created the opportunity for many organisations to utilise the Web, some for commercial gain and others for the better good. Mosaic was released as the first graphical web browser. In was later renamed to Netscape Navigator and was arguably instrumental in instigating the browser wars. Web traffic in 1993 increased by 300,000%. Currently the Web is used by more than 25% of the worlds population and this will continue to grow. We've had absolutely nothing to do with any of this but we're doing our best to make up for it!
The commercialisation of the Web begins as bigger companies begin to realise that they must have a presence on the Web. Some businesses begin to conduct commerce activities over the Web. eCommerce has arrived! The founder of WD4T begins to get involved in IT projects that utilise Web technologies.
Google is incorporated in the USA by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It's worth mentioning that Yahoo was formed 4 years earlier. Each has played a key role in shaping how we find things on the Web. We haven't built our own search engine yet and probably never will.
Web 2.0 hits the scene, introducing new ways to share and exchange content. This heralded the phase of the Web where Myspace and Facebook emerge to take advantage of the next generation of the Web. Social media is now something businesses simply can't ignore. Like many in the early days of social media we didn't really see how it would feature in a business world. We do now! Let's also not forget that Google introduce their Adwords online advertising service in this year. It provides Google with a significant percentage of their revenue.
The foundations of WD4T are laid by our Founder who leaves corporate life to begin a number of online ventures. These ventures use all of technologies and online marketing techniques that are the bed rock of the Web. We're almost there as a business. Google of course was continuing to introduce more services, notably Google Maps and Google Analytics, both representing important tools for businesses. Interestingly Google also introduce Mobile Search. In the same year YouTube emerges. It's now the second largest search engine after Google and Google acquire YouTube in 2006! Video will play a big part in how content is consumed using the Web.
The first iPhone is released by Apple in the USA. Without question the iPhone changed the game and set the benchmark for the smart phones that have become the web interface for today's generation. With this technology Apple opened the door for developers to build apps and in so doing a new revenue stream was created. More about apps to come!
Apple launch the iPad with many saying that it would fail. We rebrand to WD4T, reflecting a broader set of services beyond simply web design, particularly in the new multi-device connected world we increasingly see as introducing greater opportunities for smaller businesses to gain advantage from the Web.
Mobile device access to the Web grows at a rapid rate in the USA. We shift to a mobile first design stance recognising that mobile platforms and apps will feature heavily in the future use of the Web. The noise is that social media will replace search but the fact is that social media was simply beginning to emerge as an important part of the online ecosystem.
Apple launch the iPad mini and many other tablet devices become successful. Desktop and Laptop sales flatten and begin to decline with some suggesting the PC is dead. What we in fact begin to see is a future Web that will be accessed through many different devices. The importance of understanding where prospective customers hang out on the web is beginning to feature big within the marketing functions of corporations. It will be just as important for smaller businesses too.
Google guides businesses about what factors will be important in the future in order to rank well in search results. Customer intent and social media are notable factors. Fortunately we already new this but it was nice to learn we got it right! We further shift our service focus to meet a need for businesses to make sense of an increasingly complex Web where prospects use multiple devices and discover products and services in many ways, but search remains big.
Adoption of mobile apps by smaller businesses starts to grow. Facebook and other notable social media services start to break apart their mobile apps to provide separate apps to meet specific demands. A generation of users emerge that regard mobile devices and apps as the first way to access the Web. Paid search features heavily in reaching new prospects.
This is the year when 50% of web activity is conducted using a mobile device, fuelled by growth in smartphone purchases and greater connectivity. It's the year when mobile commerce begins to match desktop. Adult daily internet use hits an average 5.8 hours per day, with mobile representing 2.8 hours. The writings on the wall for continued strong growth in mobile commerce.
Retailers with online sales channels see mobile visits outstripping desktop and tablet, making it a priority to ensure their mobile experience is good. Slow page load speeds expose retailers to falling conversion rates, but it's not just about individual rates of conversion by channel. It's now much more important to take an holistic view of how all channels make a contribution to sales. It's equally important for businesses to understand customer lifetime value.
10 years on from the introduction of the first iPhone and the way we all consume content and shop has dramatically changed. The best deals are only a few touches or clicks away. Being different from your competition has become much harder, particularly on price. Yellow pages will stop being produced. If businesses want to be found they have to be online and using engagement channels that align with the audience they want to sell to. Targeting just any audience won't produce the best results.
Nearly there so what should we expect. We don't need a crystal ball to see trends continuing with ever increasing personalisation and automation of digital marketing channels. Marketing automation is no longer exclusive to larger businesses and in fact smaller businesses have opportunities to be far more effective than the big players. But to do so requires investment in knowledge about what's possible. Might be worth having a chat with us?